Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Live jam session broadcast is now a weekly treat

Our jam session last Wednesday night was a huge success, and a ton of fun. People tuned in everywhere from California, to Chicago, and even our neighbor right downstairs (who quickly came up to enjoy it in person). If you missed it, you missed some killer surprise saxophone and even some wicked harmonica action. We've decided that we're going to make it a regular thing, every Wednesday at 8pm.

Of course, we broadcast live on WatchWhatIDo.com so anyone in the world can watch and listen, but we also invite any musicians to come jam, and anyone to come and enjoy it in person. There's not a whole lot of room, but we find ways to accommodate. Bringing beer is highly appreciated and guarantees a good seat.

We're also going to start recording the whole thing, and I'll edit down the video to a digestible length so you can enjoy the highlights if you couldn't tune in live.

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