Friday, October 13, 2006

Project Move Mess

Throw tact to the wind, and remember that repetition without progress is... productive?

The parties involved did not speak of Project Move Mess**... until now. While it may have gone forgotten, it took special guest Jordan and an airing of a fresh Gray's Anatomy a week later, tonight, to bring all those memories flying back for one Matt Verzola. Some tempers flared, and many couldn't care, but what happened next was the now standard, awkwardly approached, cleaning debate. While these ramblings, debates, discussions... never go anywhere, they are essential to remember who we all are, and will continue until... yes, they'll just continue.

Project Move Mess is only the beginning. Unintelligence officers have reported rumor of other initiatives in the works. Will they come soon? We're hoping, waiting, wanting.

**a little background: Matt's Project Move Mess (the practice of moving one's mess away from public living areas closer to the mess maker's sleeping space rather than the space where it is to be cleaned) was put into action in the past week. The idea is to get the mess maker to clean the mess. Matt unleashed first on Sean, involving saucy plates, and perhaps a coffee mug* (unconfirmed, but likely). Sean then brought said mess to sink upon noticing. Mess was returned to Sean's door and shortly after the mess was cleaned. Meanwhile Matt believes his project was successful, although beknownst to him at this point, things had unfolded a bit differently. Sean was in Connecticut when the dishes returned to his door the second time, unaware of this event. An unsuspecting Mark is then confronted by the mess in front of the door, and was the sole un-messer.

1 comment:

Matt Verzola said...

your definition is false:

"the practice of moving one's mess away from public living areas closer to the mess maker's sleeping space rather than the space where it is to be cleaned"

the mess can be in the kitchen sink; it doesn't matter where it is. said mess is only a mess if it has been left out for 2 days or more. at that point it becomes the problem of the messer and is removed from the shared living space and put in front of their door or in their room.

putting it in the sink is not cleaning it.